Characters in the Kingdom

Pearl: Our heroine. Pearl is a brave, friendly, kindly unicorn whose magic often goes wrong
Olive Greenhands: Olive the ogre girl is one of Pearl's best friends. She loves to eat!
Tweet: Tweet the firebird is Pearl's other best friend. She's little and giggly and always having ideas
The Gobble-uns: oops - not Pearl's friends at all! They specialise in stinky magic
Alice Bluegown: a flower fairy girl from Floradell
Boris the Brave: an ogre in Olive's village
Cara Mary O'Murphy: a leprechaun girl the friends meet hunting for treasure
Granny Bonnet: a flower fairy from Floradell
Fweep: A firebird
Igneus - Iggy for short... a rock troll the pals meet in Pearl the Friendly Unicorn
Lulu... a genie
Ogma the Bold: Olive's granny
Aunt Olga: Olive's aunt, who gave her a hat in Pearl the Flying Unicorn
Oona: an ogre who once ate a peanut-shaped necklace
Oscar: An ogre boy who is a friend of Olive in Pearl the Lucky Unicorn
Percy... a strange unicorn who arrives in the Kingdom in Pearl the Proper Unicorn
Red Rory O'Riley: a leprechaun
Ruby: a red dragon
Rupert Lily... a flower fairy boy from Floradell Village
Spud Murphy: a long-ago leprechaun
Tom: a sand giant the friends meet in Sand Land in Pearl the Adventurous Unicorn
Trudy... a lady dragon Pearl and friends rescue in Pearl the Helpful Unicorn
Uncle Fergus: Cara's uncle
Winifred - Winnie for short... A kindly cave troll
Wise Ethel: An ogre from Olive's village
Places Pearl and her Friends Visit in and out of the Kingdom
Apple-pie Rock: A rock on Stone-Mazy Tor
Berry-Berry Island: An island in Plum River
Bigmouth Ogre Lake Valley: a valley where Ogrefest is held
Big Rock Valley: The valley where Pearl sees Percy
Bothering Bog: The place where Trudy is trapped
The Cliffs: High cliffs where the friends often go to look over the ocean
The Emerald Isles; Where Spud Murphy moved to
The Firebird Caves: Tweet lives there
Floradell: Where the flower fairies live
Gull Island: An island in the bay
The Meadow: Pearl lives there
Moaning Cave: a cave in Sand Land
The Ogre Village: Olive lives there
Ogre-Ogre Tower: A big tower that fell down when Boris the Brave was an ogerling
Old Troll Quarry; where Iggy's granny lives
Plum River: A river with lots of plum trees
The Pond: The pond is in the meadow. Frogs live in it.
Sand Land: a desert where Tom lives
Shamrock Island: Where the leprechauns hold their potato festival
Sparkle Mountains: Snowy mountains where the friends go looking for ogre-blooms
Stone-Mazy Tor: A place where the friends play hide and seek.
Stone-Mazy Tor Caves: The firebirds go there and Winnie lives there
Tree Cave - a glade in Wandering Forest where the gang meet Ruby
Wandering Forest: A spooky forest nearby
Wetfoot Lake: A place Olive and Tweet go to play statues
Whirligig tree: a tree in the forest that has whirligig seeds
Berry-Berry Island: An island in Plum River
Bigmouth Ogre Lake Valley: a valley where Ogrefest is held
Big Rock Valley: The valley where Pearl sees Percy
Bothering Bog: The place where Trudy is trapped
The Cliffs: High cliffs where the friends often go to look over the ocean
The Emerald Isles; Where Spud Murphy moved to
The Firebird Caves: Tweet lives there
Floradell: Where the flower fairies live
Gull Island: An island in the bay
The Meadow: Pearl lives there
Moaning Cave: a cave in Sand Land
The Ogre Village: Olive lives there
Ogre-Ogre Tower: A big tower that fell down when Boris the Brave was an ogerling
Old Troll Quarry; where Iggy's granny lives
Plum River: A river with lots of plum trees
The Pond: The pond is in the meadow. Frogs live in it.
Sand Land: a desert where Tom lives
Shamrock Island: Where the leprechauns hold their potato festival
Sparkle Mountains: Snowy mountains where the friends go looking for ogre-blooms
Stone-Mazy Tor: A place where the friends play hide and seek.
Stone-Mazy Tor Caves: The firebirds go there and Winnie lives there
Tree Cave - a glade in Wandering Forest where the gang meet Ruby
Wandering Forest: A spooky forest nearby
Wetfoot Lake: A place Olive and Tweet go to play statues
Whirligig tree: a tree in the forest that has whirligig seeds